Saturday, March 25, 2006

My day as SAHM!

Johnny loves to paint!

Sammy guards a sleeping 8 week old Meghan

Johnny loves to dance and play dress up

Johnny would hold his baby all day long if we let him.

Here are a few of the highlights of my days. Johnny paints and learns about show tunes (don't tell Dad).
Meghan learns to sleep more.

*Pink* the Softball Superstar!

Tarah had her 1st softball game. She has never played any type of sport ever. She got two base hits, scored 2 runs and had a great time. She really gave it her all. She was the only girl on the team to get a base hit! We have never been so proud of her. She really hustled and had great team spirit. Don and Fran and Cory joined us for this wonderful occasion.

Kevin and Johnny also had a great time. Meghan wore her Winnie the Pooh pram and I wore her in the baby borjin. She slept the whole time.

New Bed = The first real sleep in over a year!!!

I am so excited. We bought our first grown up bed room set. No hand me downs and everything matches. It is an IKEA platform bed with a sleep number king size mattress. Baby Meghan has her cradle next to us and the crib has room on another wall. Kevin is putting the shelf on the wall right now!