Saturday, February 9, 2008

Happy 2nd BDay Meghan.....

Meghan is now officially 2. We had a small party with Heather and Cory and a homemade cake that melted a little.

Here are Johnny and Meghan during our nighty bath and toothbrushing routine! They are cute as all get out.

Here is Meghan in her new chair showing off her holding her drink with no hands trick!

Johnny likes his new chair.

We seem to be germ free for the moment (knocking on wood). If it continues then I will be a guest reader at Johnny's classroom for valentines day. I am bringing one of his favorite books to share and then I will pass out cool little red hearts stickers for them to take home.

Meghan is talking up a storm. The things that come out of her mouth are so funny. We are on high alert for those adult slip up's of ours. We think that damnit is finally out of the favorite word list.

Johnny is doing great. He wants to learn to read, write and tell time all at the same time. We are so lucky that his pre-school teacher is actually a k-3 certified teacher who is taking a break to stay home with her two small children. Her son is one of Johnny's best friends.

Today was so beautiful. Tarah had softball games all day so we went to IKEA (on a sat. which was insane!) we got the kids matching chairs to stop the endless fighting over the kid size furniture in the house.