Sunday, May 21, 2006

They finished the season in 2nd place.........

What an awesome tournament..........the girls won their 9:30 game saturday morning. They came up against the #1 team again at 6pm on Saturday. They played one heck of a game they only lost by 2 points after holding their own inning for inning. Since they were undefeated until that point they played the same "red team" again on Sunday at 4:30. The first 2 innings were tied 1-1 and anybody that has been to a game knows that it an amazing feat. We have a 5 run cap per inning that we usually need..............The Astro's had the last at bat and got one last point in before the last out was called. So the girls had a little after stress cry and are already all pumped back up for "fall ball"............

I took some great pictures of the girls and Tarah made some great friends. I have lots of video for anyone who wants to see it.

Tarah played great again. She always gets a hit and she can really put it out there. The girl on 1st made the mistake of trying to block the base and Tarah took her out enough that it knocked the ball out of her glove and she was safe. The other team was really trying to intimadate the girls because they are all a year older and most are pretty big. She ended up scoring the first run. I am so proud of her. She made friends, she had fun and it really gave her a boost of confidedence. She is a great team player. I will post new pics after I get some rest................

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