Friday, June 30, 2006

Trip to Amarillo :~)

We just got back from a great trip to Amarillo. I took the kids and my 2 nieces on a road trip this week. We left early Monday morning and came back late Wednesday night. The trip there was uneventful. We stopped and had lunch at the new rest area near Quanah. We took our time. The kids slept off and on. Even Meghan napped and played. We got to see Granny and Goldie and the whole gang there....... We spent Tuesday with my mom and the kids rode on the tractor for hours. Johnny had a great time and played with all his cousins. Meghan and Johnny both missed naps on the trip so they slept great at night. Tarah spent the day and night with us while we were there.
On the way home we drove through Plainview and saw my dad. He looks GREAT!!! It was a wonderful visit even though it was short and then we continued on Hwy. 70 across the state. What a nice pot holes, no traffic and lots of pretty scenery. We stopped and read historical markers and ate alot all the way home. We made great time and even got home before dark. Considering the kids spent 10 hours in the car on Wednesday it is amazing that there was no crying until 10 mins. from home. Then Meghan decided she wanted out of her dirty diaper and out of her seat.

It was one of the best trips ever. I loved getting a chance to clear my head and hug all my loved ones.

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