Sunday, October 29, 2006

Pumpkin Patch Day!!

Johnny and Meghan love their Daddy!!Alex, Ashley and Johhny hanging by the windmill....

" Look guys, they are flinging pumpkins and when they land it smashes them!"

We can put pumpkins on our heads!
Cool a hay maze, let's get lost..
Alex and Ashley with their pumpkins on their heads Cutie pie out for stray hay!
Johnny and Meghan had a great time picking out their pumpkins. We will carve the big one tomorrow night...

Meghan has another tooth and Johnny has his fall party tomorrow at Kids Day Out. It is going to be great fun. He is doing great with his toilet training. His only accidents are at home when he is too busy playing to go to the bathroom. Tarah had a birthday party at the Dallas Zoo all day so she wasn't able to go with us. Next year I will get some of the whole family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the PICS. Looks as though everyone is doing OK. Missed Tarah in the pics.
Gramma & Granpa