Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Father's Day!!!

I want to say Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads in our lives.

For Kevin, you are a wonderful Dad. You always put your family first, always. You are patient, kind, easy going and even tempered. Thank you so much for everything you do for us each day. I couldn't do this without you.

To my Dad, you have always helped to make my life an adventure. You are my base, that sense of wonder that I learned as a child. I continue to learn so many life lessons from you. I Love You and I miss you every day.

For Wayne, you have raised a wonderful family and you always put your family first. You are a wonderful father and a great man. We are all hoping for the best and we are here for you and Mom. We Love you and are praying everyday for good news.

For Don, we miss you so much. I know you are surrounded by joy and love more than any card could describe. Keep our place ready for us and we will see you again when our work here is done.

For Grandpa Bill, Hang in there! We are praying every day for a fast and painless recovery. Keep that blood pumping and mind the doctors, and take your medicine!

I hope all of the Fathers in our lives have joy, peace and Love, You deserve it so much!

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