Friday, July 6, 2007

I made 2 A's!!!! Yippeee

Well, the first half of the summer is over. I managed to make an A in accounting and an A in Personal Financial Planning. It was really hard but I learned so much.

Meghan has had a virus. Her fever was up to 104 for almost 48 hours. Thank God for Ibuprofen and Tylenol. The doctor ruled out strep and a bacterial infection, so no antibotics this time. She is all back to normal but I won't be able to hang out with Melissa and her sons for a couple of weeks just to make sure no one here caught it from her. I would never risk Brandons health. I am looking forward to our next play date. The kids have a blast playing together.

The lake is everywhere now. The waves are blowing up on the bridge and it is on the verge of being closed. I will post an updated picture showing how high it has gotten.

I am so excited that we will be getting to travel to San Antonio and Amarillo this month. I miss everyone like crazy. It is so hard living away from everybody I love.

Be back soon to update my pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You rock gingeypoo smartypants!!! Ya'll get better so we can get together pronto!!! :)

When are you travelling!! :)

xoxox feebeeweebee