Saturday, November 3, 2007

Meghan has RSV

I haven't had a chance to upload the photos from Halloween yet. Meghan has been sick off and on for about three weeks now. One day she would have a fever and the next it would be gone. We have been battling a constant stream of coughs and mucus that we thought were allergies. It was driving us crazy not to be able to figure out what was going on with her. Well all that changed Thursday night. Her breathing was labored and she whimpered all night. Yesterday morning Kevin rushed her to the pediatrician when it opened and after three breathing treatments and two shots in the office they were sent to Children's Hospital to the respiratory therapy center in the ER. It seems that Meghan has a complication from RSV where mucus is being collected in her bronchial tubes and after a deep suctioning (which took both of us to hold her down!) We were sent home. Kevin and I are in charge of the suctioning now which is very difficult to do and we are praying that it will not be a long term job. We are going to be strong because if we don't suction her tubes then Meghan can develop pneumonia.

I think the scariest part of all was the fact that I had to go take a test and was going to meet Kevin at the doctor's office after I was done. Christoph watched Johnny for us. Kevin was already at the ER and had dropped his phone in the van so he couldn't get ahold of me and I knew something was wrong but couldn't find him and Meghan any where. I finally got ahold of Cory to see if Kevin left me a message anywhere and then the Ped.s office gave me instructions to the hospital. After making it through a massive accident on 35 south which added 30 minutes to my trip, I finally found them and Kevin and I could take a deep breath and deal with learning the treatment from the doctors.

Meghan did sleep better last night and she is even smiling again this morning. Watching my baby lay there and barely move and struggling to breathe was the most scared I have ever been. I am so grateful that she is more like her normal self today. There were a lot of prayers for Meghan yesterday and I am so grateful to everyone for taking over for me this weekend so that I can spend it taking care of my family.


Cathy Luijkx said...

Oh my! I'm sorry to here about Megan's illnes and complications. I am glad to hear that it is getting better though. I know what it is like to go thru that. First with Joshua and all his problems, then Chelsey was in the hospital as a baby with RSV and Justin too. Then Justin with the Meningitis. I don't think that there is anything worse than having to watch your children suffer.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sad to hear about sweet Meghan being so ill :( poor baby, I hope and pray she feels better soon. Sounds like it was a really scary and stressful experience! I'm ready to help you have a relaxing de-stressor night when you are!!! :)