Friday, August 8, 2008

We are excited about the Olympics here!!

Meghan is practicing for the woman's gymnastics team.

Johnny is extremely attached to a little bear he scammed from our playdate with Aiden and Brandon. Thank you, feebs.

Megan loves to mess with Daddy's alarm clock. The funny part is that he doesn't need it because she wakes us up early EVERY morning!

Johnny and Megan think it is funny to lay in mommy and daddy's bed with the blankets pulled up around them.

Johnny is practicing his writing for the first day of school on August 25th!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha! so cute! we had so much fun and can't wait to see you all again! Aiden kept asking for his "kids" to come back after ya'll left and the next day! hehe

They are SO cute and growing so fast! Hope ya'll have a great weekend!

OMG I found a car key here! Are you missing a car key? LOL