Saturday, October 25, 2008

A plethera of pictures

Johnny is obsessed with taking pictures of everything and everybody. This is one of the few pictures of me. Johnny took it.
Balloon fun after a trip to the local bank grand opening.

Meghan loves to pose.

Here is the three of them with their balloons. Ashley is having a great time staying with us for the school year. We are really proud of how well she is doing in school here and she is a great help with the kids.

Ashley decorated a pumpkin at the open house.

We are so proud of Johnny. He jumped in a bounce house all by himself and with no tears!!!

Tarah is the queen of taking pictures of her with the kids. I always look like a dork when I try.

We decided to go ahead and put Meghan in a toddler bed. Millie will be having her baby soon and I want to get all the baby stuff to her house before winter really starts to kick in. Of course, Meghan loves her new found freedom and we are in constant "get back in bed mode!" Not shown here is the large bed rail we put on the bed to keep her a little more contained and feeling secure. She can still get out anytime she wants, and she does!

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