Sunday, February 22, 2009

Johnny conquers his fear at Chuck E Cheese

We went to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate our wonderful friends Aiden and Brandon's third birthday. Brian and Melissa are wonderful parents and two of our favorite friends. Johnny and Meghan had fun on their first visit to the "cheese".

One of the most exciting parts was when Johnny conquered his fear to climb up a gym that was up on the ceiling. He climbed up and went down a slide with twisties that he couldn't see past. He was really scared but Meghan and Aiden showed him how it was done and he did it!!!!!

Meghan dancing to '80's music....she is my daughter.

They loved the was really good!

Meghan was posing for the picture you get out of the chuckie car but kept missing it.

Meghan loved all the rides.

Kevin taught Johnny how to shoot hoops!

Meghan is a big "Bob" fan.

Johnny loved putting in his own tokens.

Meghan has never seen a teletubbie but she loved the ride.

We had the best time. The kids were so well behaved and brave. The noise didn't bother Johnny and we couldn't have asked for a more fun party!!!
Thanks a million to Brian and Mel for inviting us it was such a great day and love getting to play with the boys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gin thank you guys so much for coming! it wouldn't have been the same without you! I'm sohappy our kids are old enough to go do fun things together! :D I wish I would have gotten more pics of you guys! I ened to rewind time! haha! Thanks for the awesome gifts! Woowoo!!!