Monday, November 10, 2008

Johnny loses his first tooth and my parents visit!

Johnny lost his first tooth today at school. They gave him a cool little plastic tooth holder for it. We are excited to have the tooth fairy visit tonight!

Meghan likes to kick back and watch tv.
Johnny and Meghan love to play in plastic containers. Here is Johnny showing off his new Buzz Lightyear phone that Grandma tractor got him this weekend.

Meghan and Johnny take turns closing each other up in tubs and then they push each other around on the carpet.

This picture is hard to see but it is of us just hanging out.
Ashley, me, my Mom, Tarah, Alex, my Dad and Meghan.
We had a fabulous visit and the kids were thrilled to have Grandparents to play with.

1 comment:

Cathy Luijkx said...

Love the missing tooth shot! It's so funny, because Chelsey also just lost her first tooth last week and it is the same tooth. I showed her the picture and she thought that was funny too! I'll have to get on blogger again and put up a picture too.