Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas in San Antonio

We had a wonderful trip to San Antonio. It was more than a week and they got quite a bit of work done on the new addition to the house. Everyone took the day off for some Christmas fun.
Johnny had a Wall*e Christmas. He got wall*e, M-O and an Eve action figures. Not to mention pj's and a sweatshirt.
Meghan had a baby doll Christmas. She got a new talking baby and lots of accesories. There is also a new high chair and swing to go along with her new baby carriers. Their room is a mess and I am going to leave it alone for a while. We will have to thin out some older toys to make room for the new ones.

Darlene was happy to see everyone and had a good time.
Johnny helped Meghan open her presents. We take turns youngest to oldest.
Meghan had a lot of fun opening her gifts.
The kids were first in line to open presents!

1 comment:

ben10297 said...

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