Monday, January 26, 2009

Meghan's 3rd Birthday coming up on Superbowl Sunday

Well, Meghan is going to be three years old on February 1st. I still haven't decided what to do for it. It will be cold and there is not much that my kids like to do. Johnny is a little fearful of loud places and Meghan is brave but not quite tall enough to play on some of the things Johnny does. I wish it was warm enough to have bounce house in the backyard and a cook out.


frazierfamilyblog said...

hey meghan have a piece of cake for your aunt millie! wish i could be there to celebrate our big day together but will see everyone very soon! happy birthday from all of us sweetheart!

Cathy Luijkx said...

I can't believe she's turning 3 already! Your kids are getting big fast. I have a lot of catching up to do when I get there, so get ready.

Your blog looks so're very creative. I would love to know how you do it.

Love you guys!