Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Christmas season is in full gear!!!

Meghan and Kevin doing their special Daddy forehead kiss....I call it "a meeting of the minds"
Meghan is not happy unless she is scooting under something...
Johnny had a school Christmas show last night. Here are the 3 and 4 year old boys singing about getting chicken pox for Christmas. Johnny is to the left of the giant 4 year old.
Thank you Aunt Nina!!! I love my Farm animals and cool tractor!
Meghan's first baby doll. They giggle at each other all day. Thank you Auntie!
We lived through the Nativity weekend and it was great. I will post a seperate post for all those pictures. We had so much fun and really had a special weekend as a family. Kristy surprised me with a birthday cake after church on Sunday. I sang with the choir for the special Christmas Cantata. It was so much fun. I can't wait to do it again. Tarah and Kevin said it was great, which is an extra special compliment from a teenager.
I got two of my back teeth cut out yesterday so I am going to go take a nap. I really feel like crap. I'll be back soon with all the wonderful details of the weekend.

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