Friday, December 1, 2006

Even with a broken camera~~~~~~

I still manage to coax a few more pics out of my wounded camera. I can't believe I dropped it on a tile floor. I have to hold it just right and stand on one leg but it is trying......
Johnny has been having tea parties with Pooh, Elmo and SpongeBob. He is boycotting the raised pinkie for tea!
We are having trouble in toliet training land...Johnny has decided he needs a wing man in the bathroom deptment. Who knew Elmo wore tidy whites?
Meghan wants to crawl so bad. She can roll 50 feet in under a minute! Her new favorite chew toys are power cords and shoes!
Johnny shows off his host skills.
Meghan is hooked on trying to eat Johnny's plastic chair.
Johnny loved touching the snow. He got a chance to wear his snow shoes from Aunt Cathy.

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