Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The kids gear up for the Holidays!

Johnny is Meghans favorite toy these days. She can get stuck under anything now (chairs, stools, etc.)
Johnny on his nap pad. He likes to sleep at the foot of our bed at naptime. I am all for anything that helps him sleep longer. He insists on his "Christmas hat".
Meghan is a very happy baby these days. She is starting to scoot but uses her face instead of her hands so I have to lotion up her poor chapped face every day! She generates enough static electricity to power our house and shocks every one she touches!
Johnny loves his couch! A little snooze, a little cartoons and he is in Johnny heaven!

We had dress rehersal for the Nativity on Sunday. I am almost completely done with costumes. I am finishing up the last headpieces, saddles and childrens robes. I actually have made extra this year so it is much less stressful. I will include pictures of the market place as well as the Nativity. All together in the last 3 years I have made almost 100 costumes. But I have to say this year the costumes are a much better quality. I can't wait to post the pictures. We are Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus for the first 2 shows on Saturday and on Sunday.

I am also singing in the Choir's Christmas concert on Sunday morning. Once the weekend is over I get to look forward to massive Dental work on Monday morning. I want to be healing before we go to San Antonio for Christmas.

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